April, 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Installing ------------------------------------------------------------------ MCMScada and MCMConfig are currently the two installed software products from Artesis. Both are installed using an MCMScadaxxxLLFF.exe executable setup file. xxx = version LL = interface ( EN = English ) FF = interface TCP/IP (recommended) Serial (not recommended) Demo (interface not enabled) Detailed installation instructions are contained in the MCMScada User Manual. The Software installs in C:\Artesis, not in the Program Files system under Windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Licensing ------------------------------------------------------------------ MCMConfig does not require a license. MCMScada software will run unlicensed, but a license is required for comm with an MCM. Uninstalling MCMScada does not affect the licensing. You may uninstall and reinstall an unlimited number of times, and the license information will still be retained. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Uninstalling ------------------------------------------------------------------ During Uninstall, the folder C:\Artesis is not removed. This is by design; the folder C:\Artesis\MCMScada\Database may contain valuable customer data which would be lost if the uninstall procedure removed all files. Essentially, an uninstall/reinstall cycle simply unregisters the executables and support files, replaces them with new ones, and SETS UP A NEW (BLANK) DATABASE. To completely remove MCMScada from a system, including the licensing information, a batch file is available. Contact IEKG for instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Versions: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows 7/64 requires using MCMScada4431EN.exe installation file. For Win7/32 or 7/64, Windows Compatibility Mode must be set to XP/SP3 for the following executables: MCMNode.exe MCMMainNode.exe MCMScada.exe Use the File / Properties menu Compatibility tab to set this. The symptom if you forget to set the Compatibility Mode, is that the Add Motor function in MCMScada will give an error related to communication with the MCM, and the motor will not be added. MCMConfig will operate properly without setting it's Compatibility Mode. Windows Vista and XP/Pro/SP3 are the only other supported OS. MCMScada442EN, or 443EN should work properly with these OS.